Donate a Memorial Plaque on the Memorial Board 

Memorial Board PlaqueHonor your loved ones by placing their names on a memorial plauque thereby ensuring their everlasting memory. The board will remain fixed on the wall in the sanctuary of the Chabad of Delray Beach.
All plaques purchased will be lit for the Yahrtzeit of the deceased, as well as on the other days when Yizkor Memorial Prayers are recited.


First Name:  
Family Name:  
Hebrew Name:  
Father's Name:  
(English) Day/Month/Year of Passing,  AM or PM:   , AM  or PM
Hebrew Day of Passing (If you know):  
Relationship of Deceased:  
Your Full Name:  
  Yes! I would like to purchase a memorial plaque for $450.00
Please charge my credit card $:  
CARD #:  
  I will mail a Check to Chabad of Delray Beach: 7495 W. Atlantic Ave, Delray Beach, FL 33446.
Email Address*
Reconfirm Email Address*
You may acknowledge my gift to my email address
Please acknowledge my gift by mail to the above street address

Please review the above form to ensure that all information is correct (spelling etc.) If you have any questions or comments, let us know here: